Servicing Your Car to Keep It On the Road

4 Tell-Tale Signs Your Car Engine Needs an Oil Change

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When clean, the oil flowing in your car engine optimises your car performance by lubricating moving engine components and also by cooling the engine during internal combustion. Over time, however, the oil becomes dirty due to normal engine operations and will become less effective at its job. When this happens, the old oil will need to be removed and replaced with fresh oil. If you continue driving a car when engine oil change is overdue, the engine may act up and require costly repair work or it may suffer irreversible damage.…

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Maintenance Tips to Avoid Costly Transmission Repairs

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Your vehicle’s transmission is the system that connects to the back of the engine, and its primary role is to provide power to the wheels so that they can turn at a given speed. It also ensures that the wheels and engine are in proper sync. The transmission is made up of various components such as the planetary gear set, torque converter, and computer sensors. Whether your vehicle runs on a manual or automatic transmission, you need to maintain it to ensure that the car runs optimally.…

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Top 4 Tell-Tale Signs the Brakes on Your Car Need Checking

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Without brakes, you wouldn’t be able to slow or stop your car while driving. Over time, however, your car braking system may begin to fail due to normal wear and tear of constituent parts, making slowing and halting harder. When this happens, there will be an urgent need to have your brakes checked by a qualified mechanic so as to identify the cause of the problem. If you notice any of the following signs while applying the brakes, it is likely that you nee brake repairs:…

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